
This is a blog about vultures in Djibouti. Please feel free to comment. You can click on the images and they will open up larger in a new window and be easier to see. Also, you can translate the text by using the translate gadget on the right side of this blog.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A little variety

Just when I was tiring of looking at week after week of Assamo staying in and around Adigala, Ethiopia, he varied his behaviour just a bit.  During 5-19 November, most of the activity was in the vicinity of Adigala, but on 10-11 November Assamo headed northeast as far as the Djibouti border near Dewele, a move of about 100 km, one way.  At one point Assamo was < 500 m from being back in Djibouti.
127589's movements during 5-19 November 2013.  The more southerly cluster of locations is the town of Adigala.  The most northerly is near Dewele.
Also, electrical infrastructure including pylons can pose threats to vultures, but they are also ideal perching locations.  See below.

Locations at a power pylon. Power infrastructure can pose threats to vultures, but in this case Assamo used the pylon as a perching place.
If you are interested in sooty falcon migration that we are tracking then have a look at our other blog  http://sootyfalcon.blogspot.co.at/

Also, don't forget to visit the Vulture Chronicles, where news about hooded vultures is available http://hawkmountain.wordpress.com/

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